Thursday 11 October 2012

The sentence with a ba-prepositional phrase

The sentence with a ba-prepositional phrase


Dr Youxuan Wang
SLAS, University of Portsmouth

Abstract: main propositions

1.      When the word ba is used as a preposition, the prepositional phrase thus generated is called a ba-prepositional phrase.
2.      Sentences that employ ba-prepositional phrases normally contain transitive verbs which are followed by: (a) complement of result, (b) complements of direction, or (c) complement of location).
3.      When a ba-prepositional phrase is used, the direct object of the verb is moved to the prepositional phrase.
4.      The preposition ba identifies the recipient of an action: the noun in the ba-prepositional phrase is the logical object of the predicative verb.
5.      The prepositional phrase functions as an adverbial, and as such it is positioned before the verb. (In modern Chinese, adverbials always occur before the verbs that they modify.)
6.      The use of ba-prepositions allows the complement to follow immediately the predicative verb. (A complement is not an adverbial, and strictly speaking, it does not modify the meaning of the verb. For this reason, it does not occur before the verb.)

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